Also Honoring Justice O'Connor
Orin Kerr at the Volokh Conspiracy posted public thanks to Justice O'Connor and invited others to do the same. Regrettably, this brought out a number of impolite and intemperate remarks. He, correctly, deleted the thread and turned off the comments.
Have we really sunk so far in our public discourse that one cannot politely acknowledge the contributions of a public servant regardless how much one disagreed with her?
Justice O'Connor has served for twenty-four years. She has been an intelligent and dedicated jurist. She has worked, especially in the past year, at great personal sacrifice, and she deserves great honor for all she has done. Scholars and other observers have had twenty-four years to analyze and critique her work, and there will be ample opportunity for more of that work in the future. For today, let's set aside our occasional differences and celebrate a fine career completed by a fine woman who has made significant contributions to our nation. May God bless her with peace in the final years she spends with her husband and with a long and blessed life.
Have we really sunk so far in our public discourse that one cannot politely acknowledge the contributions of a public servant regardless how much one disagreed with her?
Justice O'Connor has served for twenty-four years. She has been an intelligent and dedicated jurist. She has worked, especially in the past year, at great personal sacrifice, and she deserves great honor for all she has done. Scholars and other observers have had twenty-four years to analyze and critique her work, and there will be ample opportunity for more of that work in the future. For today, let's set aside our occasional differences and celebrate a fine career completed by a fine woman who has made significant contributions to our nation. May God bless her with peace in the final years she spends with her husband and with a long and blessed life.
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